Adopt a Home Pen Penguin For R1000

Adopt one of the penguin ‘characters’ below and help cover the cost of providing an excellent quality of life for birds that cannot be released back into the wild. You are welcome to visit ‘your’ penguin between 9am and 4pm for the one-year duration of your adoption. Please contact us to schedule your visit at +27 21 557 6155 or email

*Note: Payment may be made from anywhere in the world via PayFast and PayPal. If you have an international credit card endorsed by Mastercard or VISA, you may donate via PayFast too.

Cape Town Centre Home Pen


Edgar was rescued from Dyer Island, unfortunately due to the severity of his deformities, he could not be released back to the wild. With a deformed beak and missing right eye, it is unlikely that Edgar would have survived in the wild.

During his time in Home Pen, Edgar has had two partners; Columbine was a sweet older lady with a lot of patience! Sadly Collie, as she was affectionately known, passed away from old age, leaving Edgar, the not-so-handsome bachelor. Edgar then met Juniper, a sweet, shy, penguin with a fused flipper; they have been together for 9 years and are still going strong. Edgar helps us save African penguins by donating blood to critically ill patients.


Date Admitted:20-June-2008

Reason for admission:Severe deformities

Area found:Dyer Island

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Admitted as an injured adult, dehydrated and underweight, Flipper suffered a wound under his left flipper, which later during his rehabilitation process would deem him non-releasable, with his flipper fused at the shoulder resulting in a lack of mobility.

He is one of our “old boys”, he is the ultimate gentleman, a great foster dad and a role model to the younger males. Flipper is a wonderful partner and cares deeply for Jaeger. They are known to be the top-ranking foster parents in Home Pen; Flipper takes his nesting responsibilities very seriously and will often build an extravagant nest overlooking the pool, comparative to a Camp’s Bay mansion in penguin world.


Date Admitted:21-June-2003

Reason for admission:Wound under his left flipper

Area found:Dyer Island

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Rescued from Fish Hoek beach, her entire right flipper was missing with bone protruding, it was clear that she would never be released back into the wild. Dehydrated, emaciated and in shock, Jaeger was placed in intensive care and stabilised until the bone could be amputated and sutured up.

A month after surgery, Jaeger joined her new family in Home Pen. A petite and gentle bird, Jaeger caught the eye of the big and burly Flipper and have been together for 11 years. Jaeger and Flipper are the best foster parents in Home Pen and have raised many foster chicks who have since been released back to the wild.


Date Admitted:03-April-2011

Reason for admission:Injured right flipper

Area found:Fish Hoek

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Admitted as an adult, due to not bearing any weight on her left leg, The SANCCOB team tried everything to save her left foot, however due to ligament damage, the decision was made to amputate her foot. The amputation procedure was successful; however, the stump was unfortunately too short for her to be released.

Since her time at SANCCOB, she has had two partners, and is currently nesting with her amputee partner Cedric. Karsten is a sweet lady and has earned her keep in Home Pen as one of our valuable blood donors, who successfully saved the life of one of SANCCOB’s ICU patients.


Date Admitted:04-August-2013

Reason for admission:Injured left foot

Area found:Dyer Island

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Found dehydrated, underweight and abandoned due to moulting parents, it was only noticed after admission to SANCCOB that Milo’s beak was severely deformed, and it was unlikely he would be able to hunt successfully. He was moved into Home Pen on Christmas Day, 2009, “Milo-Milo”, as he is fondly called settled very well. Two years later, still a juvenile, he partnered with Flo, who was around 11 years old.
Sadly, after a long and dedicated relationship, Flo died in 2022, and Milo has yet to find love again.

Milo was an incredible foster parent with Flo, rearing numerous foster chicks for release, and more recently, also served as a blood donor. Flo would have been so proud Milo-Milo!


Date Admitted:30-October-2009

Reason for admission:Abandoned due to moulting parents

Area found:Dyer Island

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PETA was admitted to SANCCOB incredibly weak, thin and dehydrated, with concerns regarding the functionality of her right flipper. PETA recovered from her dehydration and picked up weight beautifully, however her flipper had limited range of motion, and she was deemed unfit for release. African penguins need both flippers to work optimally to propel themselves in the water, for hunting and to evade predators.

PETA and her partner Funny Flippers are wonderful foster parents and have contributed to the wild population in hatching and rearing foster eggs for release back into the wild.


Date Admitted:03-April-2011

Reason for admission:Injured right flipper

Area found:Fish Hoek

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Sweet little Stubby was admitted from Simons Town as a newly hatched chick, with her eyes still closed, weighing only 84g, Stubby’s parents were nesting in an unsafe site and so the rangers rescued Stubby and brought her to the Chick Rearing Unit at SANCCOB. On admission it was noted that she had two small puncture wounds on her back, and although she was a healthy weight, Stubby was not well and was placed on antibiotics treatment. Once Stubby had stabilised, the team observed swelling at the tip of both her flippers; it was clear that they were much shorter than they should be.

As she grew older, measurements were taken of her flippers, which showed they were only 13cm long, compared to other fledgling’s flipper length measuring between 17.5 – 18.5cm. This meant she was unlikely to survive in the wild and was moved to Home Pen in July 2015. Stubby serves as a blood donor to wild penguins in care and shares her life with her partner, Norbit.


Date Admitted:27-March-2015

Reason for admission:Rescued from an unsafe site

Area found:Simons Town

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Syd was admitted with a fracture to the lower left side of his beak, around 1cm from the tip, as well as a small piece of bone protruding from a toe on his left foot. Surgery was conducted a day after admissions to repair the beak and to amputate the exposed bone on the toe. Another surgery was conducted two days later to stabilise his beak further; two wires were placed through the beak to pull it together, with acrylic placed over the beak. Unfortunately, after two months and multiple surgeries to repair the lower beak, it broke off, leaving Syd with a severe overbite! His inability to hunt in the wild meant that Syd was moved into Home Pen in early 2016, where he partnered with Skipper, and together, the fierce foster parents protect their nest and territory with all their might!

Fortunately, his overbite does not hinder his chick feeding skills at all! Syd is also a proud blood donor and has donated his blood on two separate occasions.


Date Admitted:18-February-2014

Reason for admission: Fracture to the lower left side of his beak

Area found:Bird Island, Lamberts Bay

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Rescued from Boulders beach by SANParks, Sylvester was admitted underweight, and with no movement in his right leg, and old wounds on his left foot. He was unable to move most of the right side of his body, and this was evident when swimming. Over time, he managed to gain movement in his right leg and could walk, but with an odd shuffle and was bent over towards the left. Sylvester could not keep his balance in the water and often ended up flipping onto his back, as he could only use his left flipper to propel. Not swimming well is always concerning, and with limited use of his right flipper, Sylvester became a permanent Home Pen resident in early 2013.

Sylvester, with his charismatic walk/limp seemed to gain the lady penguins attention, however Sylvester soon became tired of the bachelor lifestyle and decided to settle down with elegant Pamela, who had a fused flipper and polite demeanour, she has kept in on the straight and narrow. Sylvester has been a foster dad and has also donated blood for a much-needed blood transfusion patient at SANCCOB.


Date Admitted:29-October-2012

Reason for admission:No movement in his right leg

Area found:Boulders

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Meet String.
Sadly, a head injury left her a few fries short of a happy meal.
She is loveable, but wants her space. She is bossy, but wants a
mate who will take control. She likes being with friends, unless she doesn't.
She likes you, unless she decides not to.
She answers to her name, but only if you're her favourite keeper.
String is a total mystery, and it's that magnificent?


Date Admitted:03-July-2021

Reason for admission:Weak and tame. Neurological deficit, compromised sight in one eye

Area found:Blouberg

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Cuddles was found at Boulder's Beach, an abandoned chick. He was emaciated, with his left eye missing and a deformed beak. He was brought to our centre to be treated but was not able to be released again because of his missing eye. Sight is very important for penguins to be able to catch their prey and avoid predators. Now, Cuddles resides in our luxurious Home Pen, a grand place to be!


Date Admitted:22-March-2011

Reason for admission:Emaciated

Area found:Boulder's Beach, Western Cape

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Rocky is a Northern Rockhopper penguin found in Struisbaai.

These birds live in the sub-Antarctic on Marion and Gough Islands. Rocky was either caught in the Benguela current or brought to our shores by a ship. She cannot be released because she could carry diseases endemic to South African seabirds back to her colony.


Date Admitted:29-January-2009

Reason for admission:Stranded

Area found:Struisbaai

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Steve arrived from Simon’s Town in 2015 as a juvenile. She was weak and had a chest infection, but made a full recovery. Unfortunately her loving nature made her imprint on her human caretakers, despite the utmost care taken to minimise interaction, and she would struggle to survive in the wild. Steve is now a SANCCOB ambassador for our environmental education programmes.


Date Admitted:30-December-2015

Reason for admission:Unstable

Area found:Foxy Beach

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Nona was found in Hout Bay with breathing difficulties at the end of 2015. While recovering at the centre, she unfortunately became imprinted on her human caretakers despite the utmost care taken to minimise interaction.

Penguins that have become too acclimatised to humans struggle to adapt in the wild and hunt for their own food. Nona is now a proud ambassador penguin who specialises in old age home visits due to her gentle nature.


Date Admitted:28-December-2015

Reason for admission:Respiratory problems

Area found:Hout Bay

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Gqeberha Centre Home Pen


Batmann was admitted to our Cape St Francis centre in 2013 after being severely oiled. Apart from being in desperate need of intensive rehabilitation, we soon realised that Batmann is also blind.

Owing to his disability he will never be able to fend for himself in the wild and is safer in our permanent care. He is quite happy with his partner, Penelope, in SANCCOB’s 5 star hotel.


Date Admitted:12-July-2013

Reason for admission:Blind

Area found:Bird Island

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Oliver was rescued in the summer of 2010 with a bite wound to his oesophagus, which required specialised veterinary care and rehabilitation.

While he has recovered, if released back into the wild he would have difficulty catching fish, owing to his injury, and he would also be vulnerable to predation. At SANCCOB, Oliver has partnered with Gigi and they have a happy life together.


Date Admitted:29-December-2010

Reason for admission:Neck injury

Area found:Unknown

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Miena was found at Flat Rocks beach in Summerstrand, Gqeberha in September 2015. He was admitted with an injured flipper and weighed a meagre 1.26kg.

Being underweight is the cause of Miena's inability to swim well and fast to catch fish as other penguins do. He is strong and healthy, but still not a good enough swimmer so the centre has become his home – fish is on the house and swimming is just for fun.


Date Admitted:04-September-2015

Reason for admission:Injury to left flipper

Area found:Flatrocks Beach

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Beebee was recused in Cape St. Francis just ahead of the summer season on November 3rd 2013. She was frail and it was later found that she was blind in both eyes. After being admitted into SANCCOB’s care, she regained her strength – but because she has no sight she could not be released back into the wild as she would not be able to fend for herself. Thankfully, she’s a completely happy lady spending her days with the love of her life, Simon.


Date Admitted:03-November-2013

Reason for admission:Blindness

Area found:Cape St. Francis

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Bandage was rescued in Cape St. Francis and admitted to undergo rehabilitation on the 28th of August 2013. This was after she was found with a bite wound to her shoulder. While she is now clinically healthy, Bandage will not be able to survive out in the wild due to her injury. She has made plenty of friends in SANCCOB Gqeberha’s Home Pen and spends most of her days out in the sunshine with her long-time love, Davey.


Date Admitted:28-August-2013

Reason for admission:Left shoulder wound

Area found:Cape St. Francis

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Bridges was rescued in Cape St. Francis on the 8th of April 2013. It was found that he had a heart murmur and a skew beak. Due to his diagnosis, SANCCOB rehabbers knew that he would not survive out in the wild but stood a better chance at living his best life in our care. And! He indeed is, after finding his sweetheart and life partner, named Patience, who is also a permanent resident.


Date Admitted:08-April-2013

Reason for admission:Heart murmur and skew beak

Area found:Cape St. Francis

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Elvis was rescued in Cape St. Francis on the 16th of June 2009. He was admitted with no left eye and unfortunately could not be released back into the wild due to his injury. Elvis is however SANCCOB Gqeberha’s own little rockstar and enjoys his time in the sun with his lady, Gretha.


Date Admitted:16-June-2009

Reason for admission:Missing left eye

Area found:Cape St. Francis

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Quick came to SANCCOB in 2005 from Mossel Bay in the Western Cape after sustaining a shark bite while it was also found that she had a skew beak. Penguins with beak problems struggle to catch fish in the wild, so Quick had to be admitted as a permanent resident in the wonderful SANCCOB Home Pen Hotel. She found the perfect life partner, Luna, who she spends most of her time with.


Date Admitted:22-September-2005

Reason for admission:Shark bite and skew beak

Area found:Mossel Bay

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Sakkie was rescued in Jeffreys Bay and admitted to SANCCOB on the 8th of April 2013. It was then discovered that she had a hole in her osophagus. Owning to her diagnosis, Sakkie will not be able to hunt for fish and thus will not survive out in the wild. She however loves living her life lavishly in SANCCOB Gqeberha’s care and has been dubbed miss independent amidst all the other permanent residents.


Date Admitted:08-April-2013

Reason for admission:Hole in the oesophagus

Area found:Jeffrey's Bay

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Wormy joined SANCCOB’s Home pen on the 29th of September 2009 after sustaining a wound over the preen gland. This gland secretes an oil that helps with the waterproofing of penguins. Sadly, due to his wound, the green never fully healed and Wormy would therefore not be able to survive out in the wild due to not being fully waterproof. He is being taken care of very well though and has little to no worries with his lady, Sieco, by his side.


Date Admitted:29-September-2009

Reason for admission:Wound over preen gland and fused flippers

Area found:Cape St. Francis

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