Adopt A Penguin

‘Adopt’ and name a wild penguin – or choose one of our home pen birds which live permanently at SANCCOB because they cannot survive in the wild …

Makes A Great Gift For An Environmentally Conscious Friend – Or For Yourself

Help save this critically endangered species by adopting* a wild African penguin or penguin egg that will be rehabilitated and released back into the wild by our dedicated staff … or one of our ‘Home Pen’ birds that live permanently at our Table View and Gqeberha seabird centres because for various reasons, they cannot be released back into the wild.

Terms and Conditions

If you have any technical issues with your adoption process, please email

Choose Your Penguin

You can make a choice to adopt a resident bird or one undergoing rehabilitation.

Adopt one of the resident birds at SANCCOB for R1,000

You will receive a certificate of adoption, which includes a visual and details of your chosen penguin, as well as a special letter of thanks from ‘your’ bird.

Adoptions are valid for one year.

Choose Your Penguin

Adopt and name any penguin of your choice for R600

You will receive a certificate of adoption valid for one year, which includes a visual and details of ‘your’ penguin, as well as a special letter of thanks from ‘your’ bird.

Choose Your Penguin

Adopt a penguin egg for R300

Adopt an African penguin egg that will be hatched, hand-reared and cared for until it is ready to be released into the wild.

You will receive an official certificate of adoption.

Adopt a Penguin Egg

*Multiple adoptions of individual birds enable us to cover the full costs of caring for all the seabirds at SANCCOB; your contribution will form part of a collective pool of funds to provide food and veterinary treatment for all.